=== The new(est) plan: === Make recipes that query the tbdb directly. If done right, the nodes configure themselves with information from the database directly. The code for querying the database will live in Chef recipes, pulled onto the nodes, then executed on boot. We'll add a hook in dhcp init, much like emulab does now to insure the control network is up, that executes 'chef-client', which does the magic. === Things to do: === 1. Get chef on a client machine, on the image itself for now. Later we can install chef remotely on boot? 1. Get the needed packges for database access onto the test node (mysql gems). 1. Write a simple recipe that grabs account information and creates the accounts. === Plan execution === 1. Chef is on a client now, arya, and the chef server, sansa, knows how to re-install if needed. 1. Figure out how to install mysql gem on arya without direct access to package repos. a. How to run your own Gem server, interesting: http://guides.rubygems.org/run-your-own-gem-server/ === Scratch === ---- Connecting to test node servers via ssh and proxies. Add this to ~/.ssh/config {{{ Host eine Hostname myboss.eine.deter.isi.deterlab.net ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p deter DynamicForward 1280 Host sansa Hostname sansa.twonode.deter ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p eine DynamicForward 3212 }}} Then set up web proxy like foxyproxy to do SOCKS5 to those localhost:ports when the URL points there. ----