Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of ChefonDETER

Jul 14, 2014 1:00:19 PM (10 years ago)
Geoff Lawler



  • ChefonDETER

    v4 v5  
    77The workflow for a running system is recipes, roles, and chef code is written on a workstation and added to a chef repository. The person on the workstation then pushes updates to the chef server. The client then contacts the chef server for updates, gets the updates, and applies them locally. {{{Knife}}}, on a workstation, can also install Chef-client (and other packages) directly on a client. If this is done the flow becomes: 1) workstation pushes update to the server, 2) the workstation installs Chef on a client and gives it an initial role or list of recipes, 3) the newly installed {{{chef-client}}} then contacts the chef server and downloads the recipes and executes them, configuring the client node.
    9 Installing Chef:
    109Swap in an experiment with at least two Ubuntu 12.04 nodes, one of which will be the Chef server and one will be the client. 
    11  * Chef Server
     11=== Chef Server ===
     12The server is simple to install: just use dpkg to install it.
    1315> ssh server
    1719> sudo chef-server-ctl test
    19  * Chef Workstation
     22=== Chef Workstation ===
     24This can be the same machine as the server. First we install the package, then configure it. The configuration involves cloning the {{{chef-repo}}} git repository that has the DETER specific recipes. We also set up a trusted user and the appropriate keys.
    21 # TBD
     27> ssh workstation
     28> sudo dpkg -i /share/chef/chef_11.12.2-1_amd64.deb
     29> chef-client -v                # test - should show version.
     30> sudo apt-get install -y git   # chef uses git.
     31> sudo chmod g+x /local
     32> cd /local
     33> git clone /share/chef/chef-repo
    23  * Chef Client(s)
     36=== Chef Client(s) ===
     38These machines should be different than the server and workstation. There are three ways to install chef on a client. 1) simply use whatever package system exists for the client OS and install the chef software. 2) Use a chef workstation to push platform specific chef software to the client that installs and configures it. 3) Use the chef supplied script that reaches out to the internet and executes arbitrary commands on the machine as root. We will use method 2) to give a flavor of installing chef by force on unsuspecting nodes on DETER (as this is the most flexible and useful installation method in the DETER context).
    25 # TBD
     41> ssh client