
Version 7 (modified by Geoff Lawler, 9 years ago) (diff)


Config Server API

The config server is a RESTful API. The server (by default) listens on port 5000. All messages are in JSON and have a top level status entry. If status is not zero, the only other entry in the message will be a message field, which contains an error message. Otherwise the message will contain the information requested.

  • URL: /this_is_a_bad_URL. Bad URLs return a non-zero status and error message.
    • Example: unknown URL:
      > curl http://localhost:5000/borkborkbork
        "message": "404: Not Found",
        "status": 1
    • Example: Bad request. A valid URL, but with bad "arguments".
      > curl http://localhost:5000/user/jjh
        "message": "user jjh not found",
        "status": 1
    • And another Invalid request.
      > curl http://localhost:5000/computer/bork
        "message": "No computer 'bork' found.",
        "status": 1
  • URL: /pnodes. Return names of all physical nodes in the experiment. Each entry contains a type, control_name, and exp_name fields.
    • Example
      > curl http://localhost:5000/pnodes
        "pnodes": [
            "control_name": "cpc9",
            "exp_name": "pnode-0000",
            "type": "pnode"
            "control_name": "cpc93",
            "exp_name": "pnode-0001",
            "type": "pnode"
            "control_name": "cpc90",
            "exp_name": "config",
            "type": "pnode"
        "status": 0
  • URL: /computer/<node_name> - return information about computer given. What the information is is dependent on the type of computer. Currently supported: pnode and qemu. Examples of both are given below:
    • QEMU:
      > curl http://localhost:5000/computer/glory
        "computer": {
          "arch": "x86_64",
          "image_url": "http://scratch/benito/pangolinbz.img.bz2",
          "interfaces": [
              "address": "",
              "bcast": null,
              "capacity": {
                "kind": "max",
                "rate": 100000.0,
                "units": "Kb/s"
              "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:07",
              "mask": "",
              "name": "inf000",
              "tap": false,
              "tun": false
              "address": "",
              "bcast": null,
              "capacity": null,
              "mac": "00:66:00:00:64:82",
              "mask": "",
              "name": "control0",
              "tap": false,
              "tun": false
          "name": "glory",
          "os": "Ubuntu1204-64-STD",
          "type": "qemu"
        "status": 0
    • Pnode:
      > curl http://localhost:5000/computer/pnode-0000
        "computer": {
          "control_name": "cpc9",
          "exp_name": "pnode-0000",
          "type": "pnode"
        "status": 0
  • URL: /embed/<pnode_name>. Returns a list of containers ("embeds") that run on that pnode.
    • Example:
      > curl http://localhost:5000/embed/pnode-0000
        "embeds": [
        "status": 0
  • URL: /user/<login>. Return the /etc/passwd type information for a user:email, gid, password, etc.
    • Example
      > curl http://localhost:5000/user/glawler
        "email": "\"\"",
        "gid": 1,
        "home": "/users/glawler",
        "login": "glawler",
        "name": "\"Geoff Lawler\"",
        "password": "$1$25502626$SJgRY/qEUFJWWIB1rkFqW1",
        "root": 1,
        "shell": "bash",
        "status": 0,
        "uid": 10467,
        "user": "glawler"
  • URL: /vde/<node name>. Return information about VDE switches (and ports) that should exist on the given pnode. Note the fields for socket and management are currenly empty. They point to files used by VDE and aren't really needed as the pnode can find unique names for itself. (If this turns out not to be true, we can put them in the DB and take some code out of the chef recipe that creates the VDE switches.)
    • Example:
      curl http://config:5000/vde/pnode-0000
        "ports": [
            "port": 1,
            "vlan": 1
            "port": 2,
            "vlan": 1
        "status": 0,
        "switch": {
          "management": null,
          "socket": null,
          "tag": "hv"

Config DB Tables (Schema)

Current schema:

CREATE TABLE container_conf (                  
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                   
        switch_shaping BOOLEAN,                
        qemu_host_hw VARCHAR(32),              
        openvz_guest_url VARCHAR(64),          
        exec_root VARCHAR(64),                 
        qemu_host_os VARCHAR(32),              
        openvz_host_os VARCHAR(32),            
        qemu_url VARCHAR(64),                  
        xmlrpc_server_host VARCHAR(32),        
        xmlrpc_server_port INTEGER,            
        url_base VARCHAR(64),                  
        grandstand_port INTEGER,               
        backend_server_host VARCHAR(64),       
        backend_server_port INTEGER,           
        openvz_template_dir VARCHAR(64),       
        attribute_prefix VARCHAR(32),          
        switched_containers VARCHAR(32),       
        topdl_converter VARCHAR(128),          
        default_dest VARCHAR(32),              
        default_router VARCHAR(32),            
        node_log VARCHAR(128),                 
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                      
        CHECK (switch_shaping IN (0, 1))       
CREATE TABLE computer (                        
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                   
        name VARCHAR(64),                      
        PRIMARY KEY (id)                       
CREATE TABLE hosts (                           
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                   
        address VARCHAR(50),                   
        name VARCHAR(32),                      
        PRIMARY KEY (id)                       
CREATE TABLE groups (                          
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                   
        name VARCHAR(32),                      
        gid INTEGER,                           
        PRIMARY KEY (id)                       
CREATE TABLE mounts (                          
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                   
        remote VARCHAR(128),                   
        local VARCHAR(128),                    
        type VARCHAR(32),                      
        options VARCHAR(64),                   
        PRIMARY KEY (id)                                      
CREATE TABLE capacity (                                       
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                  
        rate FLOAT,                                           
        units VARCHAR(8),                                     
        kind VARCHAR(8),                                      
        PRIMARY KEY (id)                                      
CREATE TABLE users (                                          
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                  
        login VARCHAR(64),                                    
        password VARCHAR(64),                                 
        uid INTEGER,                                          
        gid INTEGER,                                          
        root INTEGER,                                         
        name VARCHAR(64),                                     
        home VARCHAR(64),                                     
        email VARCHAR(64),                                    
        shell VARCHAR(64),                                    
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                     
        FOREIGN KEY(gid) REFERENCES groups (id)               
CREATE TABLE switch_vde (                                     
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                  
        computer_id INTEGER,                                  
        socket VARCHAR(64),                                   
        management VARCHAR(64),                               
        tag VARCHAR(16),                                      
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                     
        FOREIGN KEY(computer_id) REFERENCES computer (id)     
CREATE TABLE computer_embedded_pnode (                        
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                  
        computer_id INTEGER,                                  
        realname VARCHAR(64),                                 
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                     
        FOREIGN KEY(computer_id) REFERENCES computer (id)     
CREATE TABLE computer_openvz (                                
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                  
        template VARCHAR(128),                                
        computer_id INTEGER,                                  
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                     
        FOREIGN KEY(computer_id) REFERENCES computer (id)     
CREATE TABLE guest_host_embed (                               
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                  
        guest INTEGER,                                                      
        host INTEGER,                                                       
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                                   
        FOREIGN KEY(guest) REFERENCES computer (id),                        
        FOREIGN KEY(host) REFERENCES computer (id)                          
CREATE TABLE computer_linux_container (                                     
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                                
        computer_id INTEGER,                                                
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                                   
        FOREIGN KEY(computer_id) REFERENCES computer (id)                   
CREATE TABLE computer_qemu (                                                
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                                
        arch VARCHAR(12),                                                   
        image_url VARCHAR(128),                                             
        os VARCHAR(64),                                                     
        computer_id INTEGER,                                                
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                                   
        FOREIGN KEY(computer_id) REFERENCES computer (id)                   
CREATE TABLE computer_pnode (                                               
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                                
        computer_id INTEGER,                                                
        realname VARCHAR(64),                                               
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                                   
        FOREIGN KEY(computer_id) REFERENCES computer (id)                   
CREATE TABLE substrate (                                                    
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                                
        name VARCHAR(32),                                                   
        capacity_id INTEGER,                                                
        vlan INTEGER,                                                       
        multicast VARCHAR(15),                                              
        control BOOLEAN,                                                    
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                                   
        UNIQUE (name),                                                      
        FOREIGN KEY(capacity_id) REFERENCES capacity (id),                  
        CHECK (control IN (0, 1))                                           
CREATE TABLE switch_port (                                                  
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                                
        port INTEGER,                                                       
        vlan INTEGER,                                                       
        switch_id INTEGER,                                                  
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                                   
        FOREIGN KEY(switch_id) REFERENCES switch_vde (id)                   
CREATE TABLE interface (                                        
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                    
        address VARCHAR(50),                                    
        mask VARCHAR(15),                                       
        bcast VARCHAR(15),                                      
        name VARCHAR(16),                                       
        mac VARCHAR(17),                                        
        capacity_id INTEGER,                                    
        tap BOOLEAN,                                            
        tun BOOLEAN,                                            
        computer_id INTEGER,                                    
        switch_port_id INTEGER,                                 
        substrate_id INTEGER,                                   
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                       
        UNIQUE (address),                                       
        UNIQUE (mac),                                           
        FOREIGN KEY(capacity_id) REFERENCES capacity (id),      
        CHECK (tap IN (0, 1)),                                  
        CHECK (tun IN (0, 1)),                                  
        FOREIGN KEY(computer_id) REFERENCES computer (id),      
        FOREIGN KEY(switch_port_id) REFERENCES switch_port (id),
        FOREIGN KEY(substrate_id) REFERENCES substrate (id)     
CREATE TABLE route (                                            
        id INTEGER NOT NULL,                                    
        default_route VARCHAR(18),                              
        default_dest VARCHAR(18),                               
        extra_route VARCHAR(18),                                
        interface_id INTEGER,                                   
        PRIMARY KEY (id),                                       
        FOREIGN KEY(interface_id) REFERENCES interface (id)     

Config request path

Given the API/URls the request sequence should go as follows:


  1. http://config:5000/computer/<name>. The pnode checks the "type" field and sees that it's a pnode. So it requests information about containers embedded in it next.
  2. http://config:5000/embed/pnode-0000. The pnode gets a list of nodes embedded in it.
  3. For each embedded node: http://config:5000/computer/<embedded node name> to get the container specific information (like path to qemu image) and embedded node interfaces so it can setup the virtual networking prior to launching the containers.

Nodes (containers)

  1. http://config:5000/computer/<name>. To get at least the hostname and maybe the networking information if the system used to spawn the containers does not set that.
  2. http://config:5000/moutns. Know what remote file systems to mount locally. Again, this may be taken care of by the vm spawn system (it can be when using Vagrant for instance.)
  3. http://config:5000/users. Get the account information to create the users.
  4. TBD/other cool stuff.