Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of NeoContainers

Jun 24, 2015 8:19:32 AM (9 years ago)
Geoff Lawler

added outstanding issues


  • NeoContainers

    v6 v7  
    8888* {{{mounts}}} - This recipe installs the client side {{{diod}}} package and configures it to talk to the local pnode on which the container runs. It requests mount information from the {{{config_server}}} and mounts what it finds via {{{diod}}}.
     91=== Outstanding Issues ===
     93This section lists outstanding issues for the container system. And not "outstanding" as in "awesome", but outstanding as in this still has to get done.
     95* {{{diod}}} - The diod daemon (re)mounts NFS mounted filesystems on the containers. The pnode acts is a server, the containers are clients.
     96  * {{{diod}}} fails to fully mount filesystems sometimes during the application of the mounts recipe. It fails in {{{mount -a}}}. It fails to allocate memory. This only seems to happen when running in chef. Running {{{sudo mount -a}}} on the command line of the container works just fine. Which is a little annoying, but so it goes.
     97* Windows - is fragile and doesnt' really work. Working on this now.
     98* LXC - Does not come up. Looked into this briefly. Tried booting outside of vagrant and still had issues. See here for a getting started doc:
     99* Using {{{~glawler}}} - some scripts are still run (via recipes) out of {{{~glawler}}}. They should be fed a path to a {{{containers}}} repo or just assume {{{/share/containers}}}.
     100* Vagrant
     101  * Does do some things in parallel, but not bringing up virtualbox machines. This makes things very slow.
     102  * chef provisioning via vagrant does not work well. It registers the node with the chef server, but does not properly setup the node for future runs. Does not create proper {{{client.rb}}} config files.
     103* everything else.