Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of ReferenceGuide

Nov 11, 2013 10:29:54 AM (10 years ago)
Ted Faber



  • ReferenceGuide

    v18 v19  
    4848 {{{--pnode-types=}}}''type1[,type2...]''::
    4949  Override the site configuration and request nodes of ''type1'' (or ''type2'' etc.) as host nodes.
    50  {{{--prefer-qemu-users=}}}''user[,user...]''::
    51   Make sure that Qemu images mount the given users' home directories.  Qemu nodes can mount at most 24 users' home directories and this ensures that the experimenters using the containers can reach their home directories.
    5250 {{{--end-node-shaping}}}::
    5351   Attempt to do end node traffic shaping even in containers connected by VDE switches.  This works with qemu nodes, but not process nodes.  Topologies that include both openvz nodes and qemu nodes that shape traffic should use this.  See the [ReferenceGuide#Interconnections:VDEswitchesandlocalnetworking discussion below].
    7472 {{{--pass-nodes-only=}}}''pass''[,''pass''...]::
    7573   Specify the partitioning passes on which network connectivity is ignored.  The [UsersGuide#MoreSophisticatedPacking:MultiplePasses users guide] describes this in detail
     74 {{{--qemu-prefer-users=}}}''user[,user...]''::
     75  Make sure that Qemu images mount the given users' home directories.  Qemu nodes can mount at most 24 users' home directories and this ensures that the experimenters using the containers can reach their home directories.
    7676 {{{--debug}}}::
    7777  Print additional diagnostics and leave failed DETER experiments on the testbed