Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of windowsContainers

Sep 10, 2015 2:38:39 PM (9 years ago)
Geoff Lawler



  • windowsContainers

    v7 v8  
    46 The Windows image has cygwin installed and a "vagrant" account installed (password="vagrant"). Chef adds the node name and address to {{{/etc/hosts}}} on the pnode, so you can {{{ssh vagrant@[nodename]}}} and give password "vagrant" to connect. Assuming the node configuration worked, there will DETER user accounts as well, password = "password", so {{{ssh [your user id]@[node name]}}} should work as well. You can also RDP to the nodes, starting at port 3389. Add one to the port for the next node in the list. i.e. nodeTwo above is listening on port 3390. To RDP to the node, tunnel through users, connecting to the pnode and forward the port, like so: {{{ssh -L3390:cpc25:3390}}} then fire up your favorite RDP viewer. Use the vagrant account or your own to connect.
     46The Windows image has cygwin installed and a "vagrant" account installed (password="vagrant"). Chef adds the node name and address to {{{/etc/hosts}}} on the pnode, so you can {{{ssh vagrant@[nodename]}}} and give password "vagrant" to connect. Assuming the node configuration worked, there will be DETER user accounts as well, password = "password", so {{{ssh [your user id]@[node name]}}} should work. You can also RDP to the nodes, starting at port 3389. Add one to the port for the next node in the list. i.e. nodeTwo above is listening on port 3390. To RDP to the node, tunnel through users, connecting to the pnode and forward the port, like so: {{{ssh -L3390:cpc25:3390}}} then fire up your favorite RDP viewer. Use the vagrant account or your own to connect.
    48 The Windows nodes will spawn and Chef will configure them. Currently Vagrant uses VirtualBox shared folders to mount user directories from the pnode host. Chef creates the accounts on the machines correctly, but they do not show up until the Windows containers are rebooted. to reboot them sudo to root ({{{sudo su -}}}), cd to {{{/space/vagrant}}} and run {{{vagrant reload}}}. This will cleanly shutdown the machines and bring them up again. This takes forever. There is support for parallel operations in vagrant, but not for booting Virtualboxes though. Which is a pain. This reboot is currently done as part of the bootstrap. (It lives in the {{{bootstrap_containers}}} recipe in {{{cookbooks/win-node/recipe/bootstrap_containers.rb}}} in the {{{chef-repo}}}.) If we solve the accounts-need-reboot problem, we can remove the reload from this recipe saving a good ten minutes of container-boot time.
     48The Windows nodes will spawn and Chef will configure them. Currently Vagrant uses VirtualBox shared folders to mount user directories from the pnode host. Chef creates the accounts on the machines correctly but they do not show up until the Windows containers are rebooted. If you need to reboot them sudo to root ({{{sudo su -}}}), cd to {{{/space/vagrant}}} and run {{{vagrant reload}}}. This will cleanly shutdown the machines and bring them up again. This takes forever. There is support for parallel operations in vagrant, but not for booting Virtualboxes though. Which is a pain. This reboot is currently done as part of the bootstrap though, so if everything works you should not need to reboot the containers. (The reboot hook lives in the {{{bootstrap_containers}}} recipe in {{{cookbooks/win-node/recipe/bootstrap_containers.rb}}} in the {{{chef-repo}}}.) If we solve the accounts-need-reboot problem, we can remove the reload from this recipe saving a good ten minutes of container-boot time.
    52 There are millions of other little details and one of them will probably go pear-shaped when you attempt to run this. Email/talk/chat/IM/IRC/semaphore Geoff when you hit a snag.
     52There are millions of other little details and one of them will probably go pear-shaped when you attempt to run this. Email/talk/chat/IM/IRC/semaphore Geoff when you hit a snag. I"m at, 917-470-8054 (cell), and am usually in #deter on Say "glawler" in channel to get my attention.