Notes on building a qemu 2.51 deb package for use in containers.
Mostly followed instructions here: In brief though:
- Download qemu source and untar. cd to source dir.
- mkdir build && cd ./build
- ../configure --enable-libssh2 --enable-gnutls --enable-vde --enable-vnc --enable-vnc-png --enable-kvm --target-list=i386-linux-user,i386-softmmu,x86_64-linux-user
- make -j24
- sudo checkinstall -D
- set version to qemu version
- set name to "qemu"
- set requirements to: "libaio1, librbd1, libbluetooth3, libvdeplug2, libxen-4.4, libfdt1, libssh2-1, libvte-2.90-9, libsnappy1, liblzo2-2, libibverbs1, librdmacm1"
this will cause dpkg to install these libs so they do not have to be in ./etc/hv:qemu_packages in the containers source code tree.This libs still must be added to ./etc/hv:qemu-packages.
- set provides to "qemu"
Once built, there will be a deb file in the current directory. Copy that to ./packages/hv:qemu/ and it will get picked up and 'dpkg -i' installed when containers is bootstrapped on the pnodes.
Last modified 9 years ago
Last modified on May 9, 2016 5:30:04 PM