Changes between Version 46 and Version 47 of NeoContainers

Jan 27, 2016 11:21:54 AM (8 years ago)
Geoff Lawler

win7 example added


  • NeoContainers

    v46 v47  
    868868There will be a bunch of output. You can see various chef cookbooks loaded and executed. The output will pause for a long time on {{{execute[vagrant up --parallel] action run}}}. This statement is the virtual machines booting on the base node. This will take a *long* time, 10 minutes or more. This step is starting the win7 virtual nodes *and* having the win7 nodes also chef-bootstrap and chef-configure themselves. Unfortunately there is no easily observable log output for these events. Once {{{chef-client}}} completes, the Win7 nodes should be up and accessible in the experiment.
     870You can confirm the node is up by using vagrant to ssh to it:
     874users: > ssh base1
     875base1: > sudo su -
     876base1: # cd /space/vagrant_home
     877base1: # vagrant status
     878base1: # vagrant ssh billg    # ssh is installed on the Win7 image
     879# password is "vagrant"
     880$ uname -a
     881CYGWIN_NT-6.1 billg 2.2.1(0.289/5/3) 2015-08-20 11:40 i686 Cygwin
     885There should also be an RDP instance running on the base node, waiting for connections. Create a tunnel to the node and point your RDP client at post 3389.
     889workstation: > ssh -L3389:cpc75:3389 -N
     892Open your RDP client and point to localhost:3389. Username "vagrant" password "vagrant". If there were no errors in the win7 chef configuration, you should also be able to login with your DETER user id and password "windows".